Http server is used as signaling server for establishing p2p connection and exchanging metadata.
Download and install shelved
via package release page.
sudo tar -xf shelved_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# Run server
By default you will have http on :8000 and STUN on :3478 for faster finding paths. Warning!: This version service should be used only in local network There is no authentification! ;)
is single static binary and therefore installation and running is easy.
Linux install:
sudo tar -C /usr/bin -xf shelve_linux_amd64.tar.gz
Other platforms binaries you can find on release page
By default shelved serves clients on port 8000
that can be used as GUI explorer.
Just enter IP of your server in your browser. For example
Server will not hold or store any data about files content. All file sharing will be done p2p. Metadata about client sharing is active as long client is connected to server.
Only metadata that server holds (In Memory) is: