Media Codecs

Diago for now is only built for audio processing to target VOIP needs, but it may support video as well.

SDP negotiation

You can control codecs support with media conf and there order. Checkout for diago.MediaConfig which can be passed on creating diago.

If you need transcoding library for now supports this codecs:

  • PCMU (ulaw)
  • PCMA (alaw)
  • opus


Library uses opus C binding and it is not enabled by default You need to have installed opus development files before compiling.

Example for linux:


sudo apt-get install pkg-config libopus-dev libopusfile-dev


sudo dnf install opus-devel opusfile-devel

Opus compile

To enable opus compile you need to place build tags.

go build -tags with_opus_c .

Make sure you have enabled opus with diago.MediaConfig and passing sdp.FORMAT_TYPE_OPUS. Example:

    Formats: []string(sdp.FORMAT_TYPE_OPUS, sdp.FORMAT_TYPE_ALAW, sdp.FORMAT_TYPE_ULAW),

For more on how to compile checkout this package